B Corp Month 2025: Building a Better Future Today!
This March, we’re celebrating our third B Corp Month! For MCM, this certification is about much more than just ticking a box: it’s a broader philosophy of leading for good. With three years as a B Corp business under our belts, this year we are undertaking recertification: a rigorous, holistic and objective process that requires us to investigate our business, acknowledge our achievements and push our practices further — for a better future, today!
Published 7 Mar 2025
As an independently owned and run business, we’ve always had the freedom and flexibility to make decisions that benefit more than just our bottom line. From the very beginning, we’ve employed practices that ensure a positive impact for our partners on the ground and the environment — maximising potential and prosperity for producing communities and prioritising people over profit at every point of the supply chain. Our industry has no future without the producing communities whose coffees we love, and the land they work on, which must be safeguarded by taking decisive action today.
Paying fair and profitable prices is just one way that MCM works toward a better and more sustainable future for our partners across the supply chain. By fostering open relationships with both at origin and with roasting customers at home, we take action towards a more transparent industry; by promoting initiatives that create income opportunities outside of coffee production for farmers and their families, we take action towards a more equitable industry; and by donating data and providing financial support to organisations like the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide or World Coffee Research, we take action towards an enduring industry.
Our B Corp certification provides an opportunity to engage with our industry more meaningfully and to encourage collective action. Join us this month, as we continue to share how we’re building a better future today — and reach out if you’d like to learn more about the B Corp process and or become certified yourself!