We support World Coffee Research

Since 2019 we have been passionate supporters of World Coffee Research.

The future of coffee is at risk. Climate change, new diseases and pests, decreasing yields and increasing costs of production, along with a lack of education and resources, are all threats to the future of coffee.

We can’t solve these challenges on our own, but collectively we may be able to. And that is why we are passionate supporters of World Coffee Research, and the amazing work they’re doing to address these critical threats to the coffee supply chain through collaborative scientific research and development.

World Coffee Research’s mission is to grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee, while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it. Crucially, it is the only global organisation taking a coordinated, collaborative and worldwide approach to scientific research into coffee. Their goal is to discover a toolbox of coffee varieties, genetic resources and technologies, and to openly share these with producing countries, in order to create a more sustainable future for coffee.

World Coffee Research is a non-profit organisation that relies on funding from the global coffee industry. To maximise their reach, capability and impact, they partner with local research institutions, coffee organisations and governments.

Together with their partners, World Coffee Research is using advanced and applied research to prepare the next generation of high yielding, high quality and resilient coffee varieties, and to create new technologies and market opportunities to help farmers become more sustainable, profitable and secure, especially in the face of significant threats like climate change. In addition, World Coffee Research is conducting global research to drive profitable agricultural practices, minimise environmental impact, and maximise farmer yield and income.


We care deeply about coffee, and we’re extremely passionate about supporting and sustaining our international industry and community. As World Coffee Research relies on funding from the global industry, we see it as vitally important to offer our support, and we encourage all our roasting customers to do the same.

Since joining World Coffee Research’s Checkoff Program in 2019, we have donated more than $48,000 and committed to sending $0.01 (AUD) cents per kilo of coffee that we sell to the organisation. We will also pass on any roaster contributions – and this is where you come in!


World Coffee Research has made it super easy for roasters of all sizes to contribute, either through an annual contribution, or via their Checkoff Program. Here’s how the latter works:

  • You decide how many cents per kilo you wish to donate for coffees purchased through Melbourne Coffee Merchants. It can be as little as $0.005 (half a cent) AUD per kilo.
  • The total contribution per sale will be calculated and added as a line item to each invoice.
  • Every quarter, we will pass your funds on to WCR, along with our own donation (for every kilo sold, we will be donating 0.01 cents).

Participation is completely optional – and easy to commit to – just get in touch with us and we will get you signed up! We can also discuss easy, straightforward ways to communicate or publicise your involvement in the program if you’d like.

While the investment requirement is minimal, collectively this has the potential to be extremely powerful and impactful. Every single cent counts. Together we have the opportunity to create a sustainable future for coffee and ensure that our kids, and our kids’ kids’ kids, can continue to enjoy delicious coffees for years to come.


Head here to find out more about the Checkoff Program, and visit World Coffee Research’s website for more info on everything they do.