Salam Ethiopia!

Published 2 Jul 2024

It’s been another huge week at our Brunswick East HQ, with our fresh crop Ethiopian coffees landing. Our team has cupped through landed samples to ensure each lot meets our strict quality standards — and we’re thrilled to report the coffees are tasting vibrant and distinct!It’s been another huge week at our Brunswick East HQ, with our fresh crop Ethiopian coffees having just landed. Our team has cupped through the line up to ensure each lot meets our strict quality standards — and we’re thrilled to report the coffees are tasting fresh, vibrant and distinct!

We are so excited to share these offerings with our Australian roasting partners! Selected during our sourcing trip in January, these lots were sourced via our long-time supply partners, Testi Specialty Coffee, whose quality is second to none. With the coffees now approved, we’re ready to dispatch them out to customers around the country. For those with reserves, keep an eye on your inbox for updates or reach out to book your delivery now. And if you’re keen to secure yourself some delicous Ethiopian coffee, read on to learn more about the available selection or get in touch to request samples!

Werka Washed | Nensebo, West Arsi

Grown by farmers near the kebele of Werka, in the up and coming region of West Arsi, this standout coffee was processed at Testi’s Aash washing station. With a crisp acidity and syrupy body, along with notes of meyer lemon, green apple and almond nougat, this coffee excels across all roast styles and applications!

Ayla Bombe Washed | Bensa, Sidama

Located in the region of Bensa, Ayla produces exceptional washed lots using the nearby Bonora river as its main source of fresh water for processing. Produced using cherry delivered by outgrowers from the kebele of Bombe, this coffee is bright and juicy, with great clarity and strcture, and notes of green grape, lemon lime and white peach.

Jigesa Natural | Shakisso, Guji

Established in 2014, Jigesa was the first washing station built by longtime supply partner Testi Specialty Coffee. The refined acidity of Jigesa’s lots always stands out on the cupping table, and gives elegance to this naturally-processed coffee. With mango, blueberry and vanilla, Jigesa Natural is a balanced and clean offering — and we’re thrilled to be offering it for another year!

Hadeso Natural | Shakisso, Guji

We always get excited when we feature offerings from crowd-favourite Hadeso washing station, as they produce incredibly textural and complex lots. With a floral aroma and rich dark chocolate sweetness, this naturally processed coffee is sweet and jammy, with notes of red grape and plum.