Bring on Bolivia!

Published 23 Jan 2024

Get excited! We’ve just added our Bolivian line up to our offer list, ahead of the shipment’s arrival in early April. Sourced via Agricafe Bolivia, this year’s shipment is made up of exceptional coffees from the family’s own farms and from members of the Sol de la Mañana mentorship program. Volumes are extremely limited, so get in touch now to learn more or reserve your favourites!

We love the sweetness and clarity Bolivian coffees present, the result of the slow cherry maturation that occurs in the country’s highly elevated growing regions, and the meticulous processing practices utilised by our long-time partners, Agricafe’s founders the Rodríguez family. Having worked tirelessly to elevate and showcase Bolivian coffee for well over a decade, in recent years, they have turned their focus to pushing the boundaries of what specialty can be through their immaculately kept farms and experimental processing practices. 

This year’s line up was selected during our recent August trip, and includes sugary sweet and elegant washed and coco natural Caturra lots from Las Alasitas, one of twelve Fincas Los Rodríguez, and Sol de la Mañana producers, including Pedro Flores, Juana Mamani and Julio Palli. It also features two specially processed gesha lots that showcase the most considered and progressive approach to production and fermentation techniques from La Llama and Las Alasitas

We’re thrilled to share this year’s Bolivian offerings! It’s an incredibly special set of coffees, intended to showcase the full potential of this unique producing region. Get in touch anytime to chat with our team about your requests, or to learn more about our Bolivian sourcing program.